One Million: Key Trends Across the K-12 Population in Missouri
By Amy J. Shelton, Ph.D.
In this report, we bring together multiple publicly-available datasets and examine trends in public and non-public school enrollment over the past 16 years.
Key Points:
The size of the school-age population (ages 5-17) in Missouri decreased between 2008 and 2019 but has returned to its 2008 level.
Live birth cohorts have been decreasing in size since 2007.
Public school enrollment has decreased 3.7% over the past 15 years.
Non-public school enrollment has increased in recent years even while private school enrollment has decreased, suggesting non-public enrollment increases represent growth in homeschool participation in Missouri
Please Cite As: Shelton, A. (2024, September). One Million: Key Trends Across The K-12 Population In Missouri. Policy Research in Missouri Education, 6(9). Saint Louis University.