We want to help lawmakers, educators, and families make decisions about education by providing updates on national, regional and Missouri-specific research. While we strive to be objective, we want to facilitate discussion and will occasionally offer our own views on this blog.
Standards-Based Report Cards
In this week’s blog, PRiME gives an overview of standards-based report cards, how they differ from letter grades, and examples of Missouri districts using them
The Importance of Governance in Public Schools
In this blog we discuss the importance of school governance and how this differs in traditional public and charter public schools.
The Expanding Role of Computer Science in K-12 Education
In this blog we take a dive into Missouri’s new computer science standards and how schools can choose to implement the standards at a local level.
APR Scores: What They Are and What They Miss
In this blog we describe Missouri’s Annual Performance Report (APR) score calculations and the heavy emphasis they place on achievement and status.
Missouri's CORE 42 Transfer Curriculum
In this week’s blog, we take a look at Missouri’s CORE 42 initiative that established the general education framework that all Missouri public two-year and four-year post-secondary institutions adopted in 2018-19.
Grade-Level Configuration
In this blog, we take a look at different approaches to grade configuration and the new models in Normandy and Ferguson-Florissant.
Education Next Poll: College Funding, School Choice, and Teacher Pay in Missouri
In this blog, we put the 13th annual EdNext public opinion on education poll in the context of Missouri’s education legislation.
Missouri's School Calendar: What's Best for Kids?
In this blog, we’re taking a look at Missouri’s new school calendar bill and how it may affect students.
Missouri Charter School Funding
In this blog, we’re taking a look at how Missouri’s charter schools are funded.
Charter Schools 101
In this blog, we’re offering an answer to the question, “What is a charter school?” We’ve got some definitions and descriptions of Missouri’s charter school law
Missouri's Student Transfer Law
This week, we’re looking at the affects of a district losing accreditation, with a look back at the Missouri transfer program.
Missouri's Visiting Scholar Program
This week, we’re looking at the Visiting Scholar Certificate, designed to allow those with professional experience an opportunity to teach in Missouri’s schools.
Education in the Missouri Bootheel
Today, we’re publishing our first Bottheel Regional Profile. Inside, you’ll find information on students, spending, and teachers in the traditional public school districts in Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott, and Stoddard Counties in the Missouri Bootheel.
Summer Break - A Win or Loss for Learning?
In this week’s blog, we examine the research on summer learning loss and the importance of the summer in helping to close the achievement gap between students of varying socioeconomic backgrounds.
Summer Meals: What Happens When School’s Out
This week’s blog examines the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program and how summer vacation affects students who rely on schools for meals.
Missouri's Assessment and Standards Changes
This week, we take a look back at how 10 years of changes to Missouri’s learning standards and assessments and how these changes impacted student achievement.
Missouri General Assembly End-of-Session Wrap Up
The Missouri General Assembly ended the 2019 session having passed several education bills while leaving others on the table. In this week’s blog, we take a look at some of the new education initiative that passed and those that failed, but will likely be back next session.
Education in Greater Kansas City
Today, we’re publishing our first annual Kansas City Regional Profile. Inside, you’ll find information on students, spending, and teachers in the traditional public school and public charter school districts in the greater Kansas City region.